Growouts for 2020

Thanks to everyone who has participated this year. We currently have 9 people doing grow-outs this year.
Last year we blessed 14 families with seed. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help clear weeds, lay weed barriers and bring in topsoil.
We had a great time.

Here is the short list left for 2020 (edited 04-18-2020)


Variety Seed year
Cucumber Lemon Cucumber 2014
Cucumber Crystal Apple 2016
Cucumber Brown netted 2015
Tomato Ace 55 2015
Tomato German Lunchbox 2011
Tomato Golden Jubilee 2015
Watermelon  Mickylee 2016
Watermelon Moon & Stars 2011
Watermelon Striped Klondike 2015
Watermelon Sugar Baby 2015