Free Gardening e-Books

I love to read. I specifically love to read gardening books. But my appetite for knowledge can get quite expensive.
Well, I’ve found a way around that. Ebooks.

No longer do I have to shell out $20 every time I’m hungry for a good book.
The past is full of great authors free for the asking. Just surf through the list I’ve compiled here. All free. Some dating back over 100 years. The best thing about them? They can be downloaded to your ipad, iphone, android phone etc. Take them with you everywhere you go.

The List


Farming by Richard Kendall Munkittrick (1891)

Another FREE ebook written by Richard Kendall Munkittrick. 1891 added to our list

I had always had a wild ambition to be a farmer, and be far from the hurly-burly of metropolitan life. Of farming I knew nothing but what I had heard from people who delighted in ridiculing its independence, as well as in looking at it from a serious standpoint, in order to prove it a comic occupation……….

Visit our list of FREE gardening books HERE!